Black metal from Dutch soil. Elfsgedroch stirs in a mythical soup and serves, with hallucinatory flavors, a luscious metal meal. After “Op De Beenderen Van Onze Voorvaderen”, “Dwalend Bij Nacht en Ontij” there is “Gedoemd tot de Eeuwige Jacht” (Doomed to the Eternal Hunt). "Elfsgedroch" is a term that dates back to the 12th / 13th century, to Marlaent's "Spiegel Historiael" and the medieval poem "Karel ende Elegast" in which "Elfsgedroch" is described as the work of fallen angels who, as the devil’s kin, descend to do their stinking work on earth. Elfsgedroch, the music, is, by analogy with more recent mythology, Tolkien on steroids. Fantasy in overdrive with a grunt from the underground. What if Sauron had a guitar and gave voice to his inner turmoil? Elfsgedroch, the band, stain their songs with blood and mud. With Elfsgedroch, the beast with blackened heart comes with many names - from Boezenhappert, Okkerman to Waternekker.
The grunt comes as the roar of the siren, buried deep into buzzing guitars and rolling drums, irresistibly resounding in the distance. It stretches the voice to the edge of audibility, giving it a meaning beyond words. Music as a landscape that reports of a journey that both purifies and alienates. With that rare quality to bring out opposites together in a non-conflicting way, the music is robust yet swift, dark yet full of life. With grand gestures, free from formulaic constraints, it leads you away from the daily craze- extra appreciated in quarantine times. These are soundscapes in the best sense of the word. Here what is served makes you hungry for more. “Gedoemd tot de Eeuwige Jacht” is a black metal mass, decorated with mythological aesthetics, that testifies to a deeply romantic longing for meaning and something beautiful in a disenchanted world. A listening experience in which, to paraphase Novalis, the banal becomes exalted, the ordinary mysterious and finiteness is given the guise of infinity. Listen!
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November 2024