There was a time when I could not come across the fruit & vegetables department in the supermarket without screaming “Roots, Bloody Roots” at the bananas, apples and carrots that were there in front of me.
Well, that's not completely true. But the metal from Brazilian band Sepultura was from the very infectious kin. Their album “Roots” was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was not too well known for its eclectism. Formed by the brothers Max and Igor Cavalera, the band drew attention of metal fans worldwide with their album “Beneath the Remains”. This was thrash metal at its best. Sounding like it was coming from the San Francisco Bay Area, rather than the country that gave us samba-to-dance-to and football-to-inspire-us (Pele, Garrincha, Zico & Socrates), the album was a headbangers ball to remember. After Roots Max Cavalera left Sepultura and formed Soulfly. I lost track of him after that but was more than pleasantly surprised when I came across his latest output with this band. It sounds by times as a return to his thrash metal roots after the world music influences on “Roots” and the first Soulfly album. The riffs in his music were never among the most original but the Cavalera groove is still unique. And still infectious as h*ll. (WdM)
November 2024